Welcome to new prospect

Our vision is to be a church of Spirit-filled people, empowered for community transformation so that the Gospel is faithfully transferred from person to person and generation to generation. As Jesus Christ works in and through us to fulfill our mission and pursue our vision.

    New Series on wednesday nights...

    "that the world may know"

    6:30 PM.

    sunday school...9:00 am

    Worship....10:00 am

    Evening worship...5 pm

    midweek services, 6:30 pm

    happy new year from New Prospect!!

    Deacons Meeting

    February 2

    8:00 am

    family night supper

    january 8, 2025

    5:30 pm

    business meeting

    January 8, 6:30 pm

    Distric 10

    prayer meeting

    fbc russellville

    jan. 9, 6:00 pm.

    men's fellowship

    january 16

    john's bbq, moulton

    6:00 pm.


    holy Land trip

    february 3-13


    call church for more information!!


    Praying Alabama: 2025 Praying Alabama 2025 is designed to be an opportunity for your community to gather over the needs of your community and ask God to make a difference in them. This meeting will be Thursday, January 9th at First Baptist Church of Russellville from 6-7:30pm. Please make plans to attend this event. The prayer coordinator will be Craig Carlisle, President of the Alabama Baptist State Convention.

    Amazon Hope Thrift Store

    2077 Highway 431

    boaz, al


    support missions on the amazon river in brazil


    grief share support group!

    for more information, call the church office.
